Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009


"Hutong",H-U-T-O-N-G what does Hutong mean?

  According to experts,the word Hutong originated from Mongolian language meaning"Well".In ancient times,people tended to gather and live around wells. So the original meaning of Hutong should be"a place where people gather and live."Another explanation says that during the Yuan Dynasty,about 13th century,residential areas in the city were divided into many divisions. Between the smaller divisions were passageways for people to travel through. And those passageways also functioned as isolation belts against fire risks. In Mongolian language,passageways of this kind were called Hutong. But no matter what Hutong exactly means,one thing is for sure,that is,Hutong first appeared in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty. In the early 13th century,a Mongolian tribe from the north became very strong. Led by Genghis Khan,the Mongolian occupied Beijing,the capital of the Jin Dynasty. In the year 1271,Kubla Khan,the grandson of Genghis Khan,ounded Yuan Dynasty and set Beijing as the capital city in the following year. Unfortunately,the old city was completely destroyed during the war. So they had to rebuild it. In old China,all the structures and roads were required to be symmetrical. So the city was well designed. First,they had to find a center,and then built a regular square city. The layout of the city was very much like a chessboard. About 50 residential areas were constructed,with straight roads and Hutongs in between. At the time,there was a clear definition for avenue,street and Hutong. A 37-metre-wide road was called an avenue,an 18-metre-wide one was called a street,and a 9-metre-wide lane was called a Hutong. Most of today's Hutong were formed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties that followed. Nobody knows exactly how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing. But one thing is for sure,if we connected all the Hutongs together,their total length would even be longer than the famous Great wall,which is about 4000 miles longer. Or to make it clear,it could build a highway from Seattle to Boston,all across America!

  Today you can find various Hutongs with different shapes,lengths or directions.The shortest one is only 40 centimeters wide,which means a person like me has to walk sideways to get through. And some Hutongs have more than 20 turns. With the growth of the population,many old Hutongs have disappeared to make way for high-rise apartments. Today I'm very happy to show you some well-preserved Hutongs,and to let you experience the typical Chinese life. Are you ready?Let's go!

  As we walk through the Hutongs,you may find most of them look almost the same with gray-colored walls and bricks. Actually inside those walls are the courtyard houses,where people live. In Chinese we call them"siheyuan"."Si"literally means four,"he"means to surround,and"yuan"refers to the courtyard. So a rectangular wall enclosing four houses,one built on each side facing into the center,is called a Siheyuan. When they were first built,usually one Siheyuan was owned by only one family,but nowadays,with the growth of the population,most Siheyuans are shared by 4 to 10 families.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Want to feel younger? Get moving

Fitness, strength and flexibility do not inevitably fade away with age, and are more often a matter of lifestyle choices, according to a new report.

Often, the discomforts of middle-age, like lower back pain or stiff joints, are blamed on aging alone. However, a well-rounded exercise routine that includes aerobic activity, strength training and stretching can help people offset the effects of aging, according to the report in the Mayo Clinic Health Letter.

Studies show that regular exercise can lower the risks of chronic ills like diabetes and heart disease, boost immune function, alleviate fatigue and cut the risk of disability in older adults.

People of any age can start exercising, even if they've never been active, the report says. However, sedentary people should always talk with their doctors first, particularly if they have any chronic medical conditions.

To get the most benefits, exercisers should try to fit in five types of activity, according to the Mayo report. One is aerobic exercise — any type of movement, like walking or riding a bike, that raises the heart rate and gets you breathing harder. A good beginning, the report says, is to exercise aerobically for 30 to 60 minutes three times per week, working toward a five-day-per-week goal.

Strengthening exercises, such as lifting hand weights or doing push-ups, are important to maintaining muscle mass and strength. Most people will quickly notice improvements after strength training just two or three times per week, for about 20 minutes per session, according to the report.

It's also important to fit in stretching to boost flexibility, balance exercises to improve coordination and lower injury risk, and "core stability" training — exercises that focus on the muscles of the trunk.

All of these activities do require proper technique, the report notes, so it is a good idea to begin by taking an exercise class or getting advice from a professional, such as a doctor, exercise trainer or physical therapist.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

10 ways to improve your memory

1. Take an interest-make an effort

2.Repeat things

3.Form a mental picture

4.Inent a story

5.Organise your ideas

6.Listen to Mozart

7.Take mintal exercise

8.Take physical exercise

9.Eat the right things

10.Drink coffee

Monday, March 9, 2009

An unpleasant shopping experience

People always have a deep impression on bad things,an unpleasant shopping exprience can be sorted into that kind of thing.

One time,my friend and i went to the YouTong cyberport,he wanted to buy a pair of earphone which matches his cellphone.we went upstairs on the second floor and found a store selling earphones for all kinds of cellphones.She charged 40RMB for that earphone,because of the poor packaging,we thought the price is high and doubted whether it is originally produced by SUMSUNG.After our complaining,the storekeeper became rude to us,she said she wouldn't sell the earphone to us. The store lost profit,lost its potential customer.

Finally we found another store selling this type of earphone,the price was a bit lower and the service was much better.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Healthy Food

Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t. But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. I asked Dr. Bowden, author of “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts. Here’s his advice.

1. Beets: Think of beets as red spinach, Dr. Bowden said, because they are a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters.
How to eat: Fresh, raw and grated to make a salad. Heating decreases the antioxidant power.

2. Cabbage: Loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane, a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes.
How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.

3. Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.
How to eat it: Chop and saute in olive oil.

4. Cinnamon: May help control blood sugar and cholesterol.
How to eat it: Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal.

5. Pomegranate juice: Appears to lower blood pressure and loaded with antioxidants.
How to eat: Just drink it.

6. Dried plums: Okay, so they are really prunes, but they are packed with antioxidants.
How to eat: Wrapped in prosciutto and baked.

7. Pumpkin seeds: The most nutritious part of the pumpkin and packed with magnesium; high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death.
How to eat: Roasted as a snack, or sprinkled on salad.

8. Sardines: Dr. Bowden calls them “health food in a can.” They are high in omega-3’s, contain virtually no mercury and are loaded with calcium. They also contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese as well as a full complement of B vitamins.
How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.

9. Turmeric: The “superstar of spices,” it may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
How to eat: Mix with scrambled eggs or in any vegetable dish.

10. Frozen blueberries: Even though freezing can degrade some of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables, frozen blueberries are available year-round and don’t spoil; associated with better memory in animal studies.
How to eat: Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds.

11. Canned pumpkin: A low-calorie vegetable that is high in fiber and immune-stimulating vitamin A; fills you up on very few calories.
How to eat: Mix with a little butter, cinnamon and nutmeg.

You can find more details and recipes on the Men’s Health Web site, which published the original version of the list last year.

In my own house, I only have two of these items — pumpkin seeds, which I often roast and put on salads, and frozen blueberries, which I mix with milk, yogurt and other fruits for morning smoothies. How about you? Have any of these foods found their way into your shopping cart?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mt. Taishan (Tai'an City, Shandong Province)

Brief Introduction

Lies in central Shandong Province, spanning the ranges of Tai'an and Jinan Cities. It covers an area of 550 sq. km. It was known in ancient times as Daishan until it was renamed Taishan in the Spring and Autumn Period, and was regarded as pre-eminent among China's Five Holy Mountains. 72 Chinese emperors of various dynasties made pilgrimages to Mt. Tai for sacrificial and other ceremonial purposes. They include Emperor Qin Shihuang, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty.

Mt. Tai is endowed with many scenic spots. A large number of them were given names in ancient times. They include 112 peaks, 98 precipices, 18 caves, 58 odd-shaped rocks, 102 streams and valleys, 56 pools and waterfalls, and 64 springs. Vegetation covers 79.9% of the area. The flora is known to comprise 989 species of 144 families.

Mt. Tai also boasts cultural heritage with an incessant history of several thousand years. Currently on the mountain, there are 22 ancient architectural complexes, 97 ruins, 819 stone tablets and 1,800 stone inscriptions, which provide a natural museum for the study of ancient history and calligraphy. Main sites of interest are the Tiankuang Temple, Nantian Gate, Azure Cloud Temple, Peak for Viewing the Sun, Sutra Rock Valley, and Helong Pool.

Mt. Tai is a mountain of outstanding value from the point of view of aesthetics, science, history and culture.

Cultural Heritage

Mt. Tai is one of the birthplaces of the ancient Chinese civilization along the Yellow River. Evidence of human activities includes two flourishing cultures -- the Dawenkou Culture to the north and the Longshan Culture to the south of the mountain. During the Warring States Period, a 500-km-long wall was built from Mt. Tai to the Yellow Sea. Scenic spots related to the famous ancient sage Confucius are the Confucian Temple, places where Confucius climbed Taishan and viewed the scenery, Menghugou, etc.

Mt. Tai has an extremely rich cultural heritage. It has always been regarded as pre-eminent among China's five sacred mountains. It was also a symbol of power. Emperors of different dynasties have made pilgrimages to it for sacrificial purposes shortly after they came to the throne or when the land enjoyed peaceful and prosperous times. Poets and literary scholars of each dynasty also visited Mt. Tai. Numerous rock inscriptions and stone tablets bear testimony to such visits. Renowned scholars, including Confucius, Sima Qian, Cao Zhi, Li Bai, Du Fu, composed poetry and prose and left their calligraphy on the mountain. The currently preserved 97 sites and 22 ancient building complexes provide materials for research into China's ancient architecture.

Natural Heritage

Mt. Tai rises abruptly to 1,300 m above the vast plain of north China. The sharp contrast between Mt. Tai and its surrounding plain and hills makes it especially majestic.

Mt. Tai rises from about 150 m above sea level (north of Tai'an City), to the Middle Gate to Heaven at 847 m, to the Southern Gate to Heaven at 1,460 m, and finally to the Jade Emperor Peak at 1,545 m. Standing in the central part of Shandong, the mountain stretches for 100 km. Its base covers an area of 426 sq. km. The wide base and huge body of the mountain gives an impression of solidity and dignity. Chinese people tend to describe a situation as being as stable as Mt. Tai or a matter as being as weighty as Mt. Tai, giving clear evidence of such an impression.

Mt. Tai is a symbol of loftiness and grandeur, characterized by numerous old but still green pines and cypresses, towering precipices comprising metamorphic rock and granite, and ever-changing seas of clouds. Other features include the Palace of the Goddess Doumu, the one-hundred-zhang (one zhang is three and one third m) Cliff, the Immortal's Bridge, the Stone Valley, etc.

The Pre-eminent of the Five Holy Mountains

Mt. Tai is also called Daishan, Daizong or Taiyue. Mt. Tai lies west of the Yellow Sea and east of the Yellow River, spanning Tai'an City in the south and Jinan City in the north. The scenic area covers 125 square km. Its main peak (Jade Emperor Peak) is 1,545 m high. It is 8.9 km from the Temple of the God of Mt. Tai at the foot of the mountain to the Jade Emperor Peak, with over 6,660 steps, 60 major scenic sites, nearly 1,000 cliffside sculptures and over 200 stone tablets. Mt. Tai is regarded as pre-eminent among the Five Holy Mountains.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My view on Chinese low-income housing plan

From Chinadaily website,i read a pieces of news regarding with our newly coming low-income housing plan.

This plan will introduce new guidelines this year to provide housing for lower- and middle-income Chinese who cannot afford private houses and do not qualify for low-rent and subsidized housing provided by the government.

I consider this plan will be an important supplementation to the previous program.In the previous program,government planned to provide subsidies for the low- and middle-income family whose conditions are in accordance with regulations of the government.

However,there are lots of problems during the implementation process.For example,some cheating deeds are found in the process of providing subsidies and checking out who can receive subsidies.In additon,most of the low-income family still don't have the ability to afford a house even if the government provides them subsidies.

So this plan is a progress.

But can this plan solve all the problems? The answer is apparantly not.

Maybe we should change our mind.we needn't to have everyone own a house,but we need everyone have a house to live in.

The government should provide a house to the low-income family and charge them for a low rent.When these families' situation is getting better,they can move out of the house and buy a one of their own.Then ,the government can provide the house to other families.

Above is my point of view, welcome your comments!

Amazing road in China

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Belling the cat

Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.

One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.

At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.

“We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away.”

Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, “That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?” The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tracy,i know you will be back

Today,i heard a bad news saying that Tracy McGrady will miss remainder of the season.

This season, T-Mac didn't do a good job,he contributed little to his team because of his troublesome knee injury.

T-Mac will receive a surgery and i hope ,this time,when he is back,he will make aggressive performance!!!

You will be back,Tracy,i love you forever!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Strengthen Confidence and Work Together for A New Round of World Economic Growth by H.E. Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009

28 January 2009

Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to be here and address the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009. Let me begin by thanking Chairman Schwab for his kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements. This annual meeting has a special significance. Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability, promote world economic growth and better address global issues. Its theme -- "Shaping the Post-Crisis World" is highly relevant. It reflects the vision of its organizers. People from across the world are eager to hear words of wisdom from here that will give them strength to tide over the crisis. It is thus our responsibility to send to the world a message of confidence, courage and hope. I look forward to a successful meeting.

The ongoing international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since last century's Great Depression. In the face of the crisis, countries and the international community have taken various measures to address it. These measures have played an important role in boosting confidence, reducing the consequences of the crisis, and forestalling a meltdown of the financial system and a deep global recession. This crisis is attributable to a variety of factors and the major ones are: inappropriate macroeconomic policies of some economies and their unsustainable model of development characterized by prolonged low savings and high consumption; excessive expansion of financial institutions in a blind pursuit of profit; lack of self-discipline among financial institutions and rating agencies and the ensuing distortion of risk information and asset pricing; and the failure of financial supervision and regulation to keep up with financial innovations, which allowed the risks of financial derivatives to build and spread. As the saying goes, "A fall in the pit, a gain in your wit," we must draw lessons from this crisis and address its root causes. In other words, we must strike a balance between savings and consumption, between financial innovation and regulation, and between the financial sector and real economy.

The current crisis has inflicted a rather big impact on China's economy. We are facing severe challenges, including notably shrinking external demand, overcapacity in some sectors, difficult business conditions for enterprises, rising unemployment in urban areas and greater downward pressure on economic growth.

As a big responsible country, China has acted in an active and responsible way during this crisis. We mainly rely on expanding effective domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, to boost economic growth. We have made timely adjustment to the direction of our macroeconomic policy, swiftly adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, introduced ten measures to shore up domestic demand and put in place a series of related policies. Together, they make up a systematic and comprehensive package plan aimed at ensuring steady and relatively fast economic growth.

First, substantially increase government spending and implement a structural tax cut. The Chinese Government has rolled out a two-year program involving a total investment of RMB 4 trillion, equivalent to 16 percent of China's GDP in 2007.

The investment will mainly go to government-subsidized housing projects, projects concerning the well-being of rural residents, railway construction and other infrastructural projects, environmental protection projects and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction. Some of them are identified as priority projects in China's 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. The rest are additional ones to meet the needs of the new situation. This two-year stimulus program has gone through scientific feasibility studies and is supported by a detailed financial arrangement. RMB 1.18 trillion will come from central government's budget, which is expected to generate funds from local governments and other sources. The Chinese Government has also launched a massive tax cut program which features the comprehensive transformation of the value-added tax, the adoption of preferential tax policies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and real estate transactions, and the abolition or suspension of 100 items of administrative fees. It is expected to bring about a total saving of RMB 500 billion for businesses and households each year.

Second, frequently cut interest rates and increase liquidity in the banking system. The central bank has cut deposit and lending rates of financial institutions five times in a row, with the one-year benchmark deposit and lending rates down by 1.89 percentage points and 2.16 percentage points respectively. Thus the financial burden of companies has been greatly reduced. The required reserve ratio has been lowered four times, adding up to a total reduction of 2 percentage points for large financial institutions and 4 percentage points for small and medium-sized ones. This has released around RMB 800 billion of liquidity and substantially increased funds available to commercial banks. A series of policy measures have been adopted in the financial sector to boost economic growth, including increasing lending, optimizing the credit structure, and providing greater financial support to agriculture and the SMEs.

Third, implement the industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program on a large scale. We are seizing the opportunity to push ahead comprehensive industrial restructuring and upgrading. To this end, plans are being drawn up for key industries such as automobile and iron and steel, which not only focus on addressing the immediate difficulties of enterprises but also look toward their long-term development. We have taken strong measures to facilitate the merger and reorganization of enterprises, phase out backward production capacity, promote advanced productive forces, and improve industry concentration and the efficiency of resource allocation. We encourage our enterprises to upgrade technologies and make technological renovation. We support them in making extensive use of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials to restructure their product mix, develop marketable products and improve their competitiveness. Our financial support policies are being improved, a sound credit guarantee system installed and market access eased for the benefit of SME development.

Fourth, actively encourage innovation and upgrading in science and technology. We are speeding up the implementation of the National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development with a special focus on 16 key projects in order to make breakthroughs in core technologies and key generic technologies. This will provide scientific and technological support for China's sustainable economic development at a higher level. We are developing high-tech industrial clusters and creating new social demand and new economic growth areas.

Fifth, substantially raise the level of social security. We have accelerated the improvement of social safety net. We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers' compensation. We will raise the level of basic cost of living allowances in both urban and rural areas, welfare allowances for those rural residents without family support and the special allowances and assistance to entitled groups. This year, the central budget for social security and employment will increase at a much higher rate than the growth of the overall fiscal revenue.

We are advancing the reform of the medical and health system and working to put in place a nationwide basic medical and health system covering both urban and rural areas within three years and achieve the goal of everyone having access to basic medical and health service. It is estimated that governments at all levels will invest RMB 850 billion for this purpose. We give priority to education and are now working on the Guidelines of the National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development.

This year, we will increase public funds for compulsory education in rural areas, offer more financial support to students from poor families and improve the well-being of middle and primary school teachers so as to promote equity in education and optimize the educational structure. We are using every possible means to lessen the impact of the financial crisis on employment.

We are following a more active employment policy. In particular, we have introduced various policy measures to help college graduates and migrant workers find jobs and provided more government-funded jobs in public service. These major policy measures as a whole target both symptoms and root causes, and address both immediate and long-term concerns. They represent a holistic approach and are mutually reinforcing. They are designed to address the need to boost domestic demand, readjust and reinvigorate industries, encourage scientific innovation and strengthen social security. They are designed to stimulate consumption through increased investment, overcome the current difficulties with long-term development in mind, and promote economic growth in the interest of people's livelihood. These measures can mobilize all resources to meet the current crisis.。

China's economy is in good shape on the whole. We managed to maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth in 2008 despite two unexpected massive natural disasters. Our GDP grew by 9 percent. CPI was basically stable. We had a good grain harvest for the fifth consecutive year, with a total output of 528.5 million tons. Eleven million and one hundred and thirty thousand new jobs were created in cities and towns. Household income in both urban and rural areas continued to rise. The financial system functioned well and the banking system kept its liquidity and credit asset quality at a healthy level. When China, a large developing country, runs its affairs well, it can help restore confidence in global economic growth and curb the spread of the international financial crisis. It will also help increase China's imports and outbound investment, boost world economic growth and create more development and job opportunities for other countries. Steady and fast growth of China's economy is in itself an important contribution to global financial stability and world economic growth.

Ladies and Gentlemen,Will China's economy continue to grow fast and steadily? Some people may have doubts about it. Yet I can give you a definite answer: Yes, it will. We are full of confidence. Where does our confidence come from? It comes from the fact that the fundamentals of China's economy remain unchanged. Thanks to our right judgment of the situation and prompt and decisive adjustment to our macroeconomic policy, our economy remains on the track of steady and fast development. Our package plan takes into consideration both the need to address current difficulties and that of long-term development. It is beginning to produce results and will be more effective this year. Our confidence comes from the fact that the long-term trend of China's economic development remains unchanged.

We are in an important period of strategic opportunities and in the process of fast industrialization and urbanization. Infrastructure construction, upgrading of industrial and consumption structures, environmental protection and conservation projects, and various social development programs--all can be translated into huge demand and growth potential and will bolster relatively high-speed growth of our economy for a long time to come. Our confidence also comes from the fact that the advantages contributing to China's economic growth remain unchanged. With 30 years' of reform and opening-up, we have laid a good material, technological and institutional foundation.We have a large well-trained and relatively low-cost labor force. We have a healthy fiscal balance, a sound financial system and adequate funds. Our system enables us to mobilize the necessary resources for big undertakings. There is harmony and stability in our society. What is more important, we follow a scientific approach to development which puts people first and seeks comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development. We are committed to reform, opening-up and win-win progress. We have found the right development path in line with China's national conditions and the trend of our times. Our people are hard-working, persevering and resilient. It is precisely these fine qualities that endow China, a country with a time-honored history, with greater vitality in the face of adversities.

At the same time, there is no fundamental change in the external environment for China's economic growth. The pursuit of peace, development and cooperation is the irreversible trend in today's world. The readjustment to the international division of labor offers new opportunities. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to maintain steady and fast economic growth and continue to contribute to world economic growth.

Ladies and Gentlemen,The global financial crisis is a challenge for the whole world. Confidence, cooperation and responsibility are key to overcoming the crisis. Confidence is the source of strength. The power of confidence is far greater than what can be imagined. The pressing task for the international community and individual countries is to take further measures to restore market confidence as soon as possible. In times of economic hardships, confidence of all countries in the prospect of global economic development, confidence of leaders and people around the world in their countries, confidence of enterprises in investment and confidence of individuals in consumption are more important than anything else. In tackling the crisis, practical cooperation is the effective way.

In a world of economic globalization, countries are tied together in their destinies and can hardly be separated from one another. The financial crisis is a test of the readiness of the international community to enhance cooperation, and a test of our wisdom. Only with closer cooperation and mutual help, can we successfully manage the crisis. To prevail over the crisis, accepting responsibilities is the prerequisite. When governments fulfill their responsibilities with resolution and courage, they can help maintain a stable financial order and prevent the crisis from causing more serious damage on the real economy. Political leaders must be forward-looking. They should be responsible to the entire international community as well as to their own countries and people.

It is imperative that we implement the broad agreement reached since the G20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy. We should not only take more forceful and effective steps to tide over the current difficulties, but also push for the establishment of a new world economic order that is just, equitable, sound and stable. To this end, I would like to share with you the following ideas.

This passage is from website.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Start of something new

This is my first English blog,it's really different.I have to adapt to the English words,have to write something in English,even sometimes try to think things in the way of westerners.Starting a English blog is a process through which you can learn English in another way and make yourself acquainted by people all over the world.

Throughout the whole life,one person always learns and tries something new,maybe it is a challenge,but it does make our life meaningful and fresh,help us make progress.

I hope through my blog,i can make a lot of friends and share my exprience with you